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Solar power careers

2020-11-23 19:20:48 admin 135

Solar energy has been in use far back as 1958. the earliest use of solar power technology was in the outer space to power satellite and radios. In 1964 NASA was responsible for launching the first spacecraft that runs entirely on a 470 watt solar array. The vast popularity of solar energy around the world today is predominantly due to one factor. The substantial drop in solar panel price over the past decades, this has lead to the mass production of solar systems around the world, it has also lead to the invention of new career in the renewable energy industry. Careers with prospects in the solar industry are listed below.

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Solar installer

The solar installers are professionals that make sure your solar system function properly. They are mostly electrical electronics Engineer with a good background in solar technology. Some are also physics graduate. Most reputable solar companies in Nigeria recruit graduates of this field and train them to be able to install and supervise installation both in residence and business environment. After installation they are also responsible for after sales services for the company. For instance the changing and upgrading of your solar system is being done by these professionals. Beebeejump solar takes a step further to contribute to society, she offers free solar installation training to professionals and they are absorbed into the system to do installations around them and get paid for their services.      



A roofer is a professional that mount solar panels on your roof. They make sure nothing happens to your roof in the process of mounting the solar panels. If the mounting is done by a roofer you are sure nothing will go wrong regarding your roof. The responsibility of a solar installer and a roofer is inter-twined, the roofer mount the solar panel while the solar installer deals with electrification, running of the wires. Although a roofer with good knowledge of electrification can take up the responsibility.


Marketing and sales professional

Just like all industry, a marketing and sales department in mandatory. The solar power industry is not an exception. After much research and and manufacturing the products have to be dished out to interested consumer, and it is exclusively done by sales and marketing professional. A deep knowledge of the product is required to be able to convince the customer. So if you are a professional in this field you might consider a career that is rewarding.


Customer service professional

Customer service in solar industry is essential,. It is a new technology getting the awareness it deserves already and it needs to be stabilized via the customer service. Feedback need to be collected as regards the usage and if there is any complain it needs to be attended to ASAP. This can be done by the customer service professionals. These professionals are highly needed in the industry.


Procurement and logistics

Companies that handle heavy materials like the solar industry needs good hands in the procurement and logistics department. Personnel with good inventory/book keeping will be able to build a successful career in the solar industry. Positions like warehouse officer, warehouse account officers are place where people can start to build career in the solar industry.


IT specialist and software engineer

IT professionals are used in every every industry and solar industry is not an exception. People need information to be presented in a way that is appealing and also convincing at the same time. People also need a way to pay securely without hassle. All these are the problems that are solved by IT professional in the solar industry. Beebeejump solar as incorporated these. They have a functional website that displays the information necessary for consumer conviction, they also have an app that customers can use to pay. All these are done by IT professionals, the solar industry is indeed a great place for an IT career.


Would you like to learn more about solar careers or make a shift to solar energy? Click the link