
  • The role of solar power in smart Agriculture

    Agriculture is very vital to the human race. It provides the most basic needs of humans which include, food, textiles, wood, and oils, which are necessary for innumerable applications. Since it is a n

    2021/05/18 admin 192

  • How to boost your business with solar power system

    The pandemic has really shown us the importance of a stable power supply in business, health, and daily living as beings in the modern-day. For the most part, electricity has played a crucial role in

    2021/05/18 Timothy 317

  • Light up your homes and businesses with a solar system today with a #20,000 deduction

    Generate your power yourself with solar. Beebeejump offers forty thousand reduction in the price of her solar system to make affordable and uphold it's vision to light up Nigeria.

    2021/05/11 admin 3255

  • Benefits of solar installation plan

    In a sporadically developing world, the demand for electricity to undergo our daily tasks is at an all-time.Because of the peculiar nature of the electricity supply in Nigeria, citizens are particular

    2021/04/28 admin 212

  • Why alternative energy is important - (renewable energy)

    Fossil-based fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas) currently provide about 85% of all energy use both in Nigeria and worldwide. We all know that these resources are being constantly depleted and can'

    2021/04/14 admin 148

  • Solar power for your homes

    Many Nigerians are yet to appreciate that harsh steps are needed to conserve energy and lower their energy costs, but they are willing to go only just so far in changing their lifestyles to bring abou

    2021/04/14 admin 101

  • What is Kilowatt-hour in a solar power system.

    The most frequent question asked by people to know the difference between off-grid solar power systems is the kilowatt rating of the system. Most people know what it is, but do not fully know what it means and how it impacts their power usage.

    2021/03/26 admin 235

  • Earn more this festive season with solar solution

    As the year gradually comes to an end, and recession hit Nigeria as a country. Everybody becomes double-minded as to financing projects and moving on with activities during the last month of the year,

    2020/12/12 admin 171