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How solar energy can help in the fight against covid-19

2021-02-17 22:56:51 admin 77

Covid-19 pandemic is real despite all the doubt you might have in your mind. The first case recorded in Nigeria was an Italian citizen who works in Nigeria and returned from Milan, Italy to Lagos, Nigeria on the 25th of February 2020.  The Federal Ministry of Health confirmed the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) case in Lagos State, Nigeria. The case was confirmed on the 27th of February 2020. Since that time so many cases have been recorded. So far in Nigeria, 103000 cases and 1,373 deaths have been recorded. The Nigerian Government has provided a total of 112 treatment and isolation centers with 5,324 beds as part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic so far, with the second wave of covid-19 around the corner more isolation centers might be opened and will need to be run at full capacity to combat the pandemic heads on. Also, people might be instructed to stay indoors for a while to reduce the transmission of the virus. To do these apparently, a stable energy supply will be needed. A solar energy source is the most preferable in this regard.

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With solar energy, the isolation centers can be run effectively

With a likely increase in isolation centers, a clean, affordable and noiseless energy need to be put in place. More than 80 million Nigerians do not have access to electricity, and the ones that have do not enjoy stable power. This means not all isolation centers will have access to national grid power and those that have may not enjoy a stable power supply. The first thing that comes to an average Nigerian mind is to use a generator, a generator will give you the power you need but it will be expensive and noiseless. Imagine an isolation center that will run 24hrs with loud noise and smoky environment, it will not be conducive for the people and health practitioner delivering services to the patient. Therefore solar energy is a preferable option for running an isolation center at full capacity with maximum convenience for the patient and health practitioners.


With solar energy reduce transmission

The main aim of locking down certain areas or countries during the pandemic is to reduce the rate of transmission of the virus. Staying indoors without power to aid comfort-ability is synonymous with suffering. This will make staying indoor a burden to people. It is only delaying the inevitable people will want to go out if it’s not convenient thereby compromising the aim of the process. Solar energy will give a stable form of power with adequate comfort to stay indoors for as long as possible to make the process of staying indoor yield results.


Solar companies in Nigeria are well equipped to distribute solar products to Nigerians. With quality products and good logistics that ease the distribution of solar products, every household can now enjoy 24-hrs electricity that is affordable, clean, and noiseless. Choose Beebeejump solar product today get a guaranty for 24-hrs electricity during this pandemic.